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Have wrist pain? Give chiropractic a try!

What most people don’t know about chiropractic…

What most people don’t know about chiropractic…

Chiropractors treat more than just neck and back pain. Did you know that chiropractors actually perform extremity adjusting too? There are 20 joints in each hand/wrist AND 33 in the foot! Those joints can cause pain too, if they are not moving freely, pain is likely to follow. 

Common painful conditions of extremities and their symptoms:

·     Rotator Cuff Syndrome-pain especially when lifting overhead or behind your back

·     Frozen Shoulder-a VERY painful condition that causes gradual loss of range of motion, especially when reaching overhead, behind your back and out to the side

·     Lateral Epicondylitis (aka Tennis Elbow)-pain on the outside of your elbow; to touch and especially when grasping objects

·     Medial Epicondylitis (aka Golfer’s Elbow)-pain on the inside of your elbow; to touch and when performing motions similar to swinging a golf club

·     Carpal Tunnel Syndrome-pain in wrist, which can also cause numbness and tingling into your thumb and first two fingers (maybe all 3 fingers or any variation), does not include the ring finger or pinky

·     De Quervain’s Tenosynovitis (This is why I became a chiropractor, check out my bio!)-pain on the thumb side of the wrist that increases with motion similar to waving

·     Patellar Tendinitis (Jumper’s Knee)-Tender to touch around the knee cap or the patellar tendon causing knee pain, pain with motions such as jumping, running, kneeling and can have swelling (or not)

·     Hallux Valgus (Bunions)-painful bump at the base of your big toe; deformity is the first thing people typically notice, sore to touch, shoes can make better or worse and can be swollen

·     Plantar Fasciitis-pain on the bottom of your foot or heel pain, most often near the heel, especially the first few steps out of bed in the morning

Chiropractors care can also treat acute strains (muscle and tendons) and sprains (ligaments-connecting bone to bones, like the ankle). 

Don’t be afraid to mention conditions to your chiropractor, even if you don’t think chiropractic can help. If they can’t treat it, they can advise you on the best type of practitioner to see.