Neck Pain: Common Causes

Neck pain can have many causes. Here are some of the most common and that can occur with every day normal living,

Poor posture-this can lead to what is called foward head posture or what is commonly know as text neck. This causes changes in the normal position of the spine causing the body to compensate with some muscles becoming weakened, while others becoming tight and tense. These changes can cause neck pain and lead to headaches and allow degeneration to occur.

Osteoarthritis (also know as bone spurs and/or degeneration)-often it is assumed that only someone older will have arthritis. Clinically, arthritis is not age specific. It can be found in someone in their 20's and absent in someone in their 90's. These changes are often found when people state they have slept on their neck wrong. causes pain. X-ray is the best way to determine if you have osteoarthritis.

Injury or accidents-rapid changes in direction, like those that occur during a car crash can cause neck pain. The whipping action can cause injury to the soft tissue (muscles, tendons and ligaments)