Yes, chiropractors can help with wrist pain
Wrist and hand pain can come from many different sources, starting with the actual wrist and hand, to the elbow, shoulder and even the neck. Chiropractors look for all the possible causes of wrist pain. Dr. Lynna's journey to become a chiropractor started because of her own wrist pain. After years of suffering with wrist pain and treatments like PT, injections, bracing and even surgery, chiropractic is what allowed Dr. Lynna to return to all the activities her wrist pain was restricting.
What is carpal tunnel and how chiropractic can help
The carpal tunnel is exactly that; it is a tunnel in your wrist that the nerves (why there can be tingling and numbness), arteries/veins (another cause of numbness or the hand feeling cold) and muscle tendons (why there can be pain with movement or weakness) flow through. The tunnel is made up of the carpal bones (the small bones of the hand, closest to the wrist joint) on one side and a thick band/ligament on the other side. The nerve responsible for the numbness and tingling of carpal tunnel, is the median nerve. It can cause numbness and tingling in the thumb, forefinger and middle finger. Numbness in other parts of the hand, is likely caused by something else. Most carpal tunnel symptoms can be resolved with proper bony alignment, proper movement of the tendons through the tunnel and proper ergonomics (efficient working environment).
Other cumulative trauma disorders
The wrist and hand have so many small, repetitive motions throughout the day, especially with the amount of time we spend on smart phones, tablets and computers. All of these motions can cause irritation to the muscles, tendons and ligaments. Chiropractors are excellent at diagnosing the cause of pain and relieving that cause so the body can heal itself naturally, without the use of drugs and surgery.