What is Plantar Fasciitis

The plantar fascia is a thick band of tissue, that runs from your heel to your toes. It helps make up the structure of your arch. When walking, the plantar fascia acts almost like a spring. As you can imagine, it is put under a lot of stress everyday. Plantar fasciitis is an overuse injury, with many contributing factors. Pain at the bottom of the foot, when first walking upon getting out of bed. This is a hallmark sign of plantar fasciitis.

How can I get rid of plantar fasciitis

If you are reading this page, you probably have already seen the same recommendations on every page. Freeze a bottle of water and roll your foot on it. Stretch your calves. Massage your feet. Rest or avoid the aggravating activity. All of these can help but why did it occur in the first place? You may stand on cement, you may be a server, you may be a walker or runner. Again, all of this can contribute but does everyone you work with have plantar fasciitis (PF)? You are not suddenly getting PF because you are "old". Looking at all the factors that could contribute, that is the key to unlocking why you have PF and how to get rid of it.

Chiropractic and Plantar Fasciitis

After many years seeing patients with PF while working in PT clinics, PF is notoriously stubborn to treat. PT's that I worked with looked at the soft tissue (stretching, massage, ice) and looked at gait and tried to support the foot (orthotics or inserts). But one thing that was missed, was the function of each joint (or lack of function). Each joint has a normal motion that it should move through, of course if one is locked than rest will either move too much, or also lock up. Chiropractic has great success treating PF. Looking at the soft tissue, at gait and at the joints, as whole gives the chiropractor an opportunity to address the problem at the root cause.